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Earthquakes near Charleston in 2000

Date(UTC) Hr  Min  Sec   Lat(N)    Lon(W)   Depth(km)  Mag   Q
 000102   08   05 07.72 32-55.68  80-10.52    5.35    .667   A
 000111   10   03 20.13 32-51.72  80-07.70    2.51    .848   B
 000507   07   13 02.25 33-01.51  80-09.41    7.67   1.330   A
 000521   02   39 05.39 32-56.42  80-10.44    7.75   1.804   A
 000523   17   53 07.30 32-55.74  80-09.06    6.47   1.000   A
 000527   13   31 50.90 32-57.00  80-07.73    6.76   1.268   A
 000721   03   59 01.80 32-47.13  80-19.04    6.65   1.735   A
 000806   07   42 34.97 32-54.71  80-09.73    7.07    .574   A
 000810   23   54 12.99 33-00.93  80-10.74    7.06   1.610   A
 000904   07   36 20.40 32-55.36  80-09.94    6.32   1.325   A
 000922   04   25 16.47 33-00.62  80-09.04    4.83   2.389   A
 000924   13   38 48.87 33-02.32  80-09.58    7.03   2.285   A
 001019   18   12 45.71 32-58.11  80-13.63   12.28   2.005   A
 001115   23   22 45.82 32-56.97  80-09.75    5.92    .978   A
 001203   02   20 39.72 32-56.88  80-10.19    6.19    .836   B
 001218   23   34 33.77 32-56.98  80-11.93    9.50   1.027   A

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