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Earthquakes near Lakes Jocassee and Keowee and Bad Creek Reservoir in 1999

Date(UTC) Hr  Min  Sec   Lat(N)    Lon(W)   Depth(km)  Mag   Q
 990207   01  50  11.78 34-59.67  82-58.38    1.43    -0.29  B 
 990221   08  52  13.95 34-45.83  82-55.69    1.46     0.22  C 
 990305   01  34  43.48 35-00.54  82-55.16    0.60     0.04  C 
 990306   20  29  05.65 34-57.78  82-55.99    2.76    -0.32  C 
 990313   17  16  32.97 34-59.73  82-56.51    7.24     0.42  B 
 990407   10  26   5.85 34-59.68  82-55.99    2.33     0.05  C 
 990417   12  10  25.74 34-57.22  82-56.13    2.07     0.36  C 
 990519   11  41   5.66 34-55.59  82-54.88    2.86    -0.07  C 
 990922    3  23  10.64 34-56.73  82-56.17    0.66     0.29  B 
 991115    3  55  16.79 34-46.92  82-56.30             0.77  B
 991117   11   4  18.52 34-57.31  82-53.96    1.11    -0.29  C
 991117   11   4  18.88 34-57.61  82-55.05    1.15    -0.44  D
 991117   11   7  43.89 34-57.36  82-54.32    0.40     0.02  D
 991120   19  20  39.75 34-57.83  82-55.58    0.26     0.35  B
 991120   19  34  53.45 34-57.86  82-55.49             0.70  A
 991121    3  32  12.27 34-57.70  82-58.53    1.32     0.24  B
 991209   20  39  42.03 34-57.67  82-53.23             1.25  C
 991228   13  39  15.66 34-57.19  82-57.22    1.10     1.36  B 

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